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Taveta Constituency

Taveta constituency is an electoral constituency in Kenya. It is one of the four constituencies of Taita Taveta County. It comprises five county assembly wards namely Bomeni, Mahoo, Mboghoni, Mata and Challa.

Population by sex and number of households
Taveta Constituency
Male- 35,019
Female- 32,648
Total- 67,665
Households- 16,358
57% of the constituency lives below poverty line. The constituency is ranked no 152 under the poverty ranking of all constituencies. The unemployment rate stands at 17.1% with the percentage of youth to the total population being 35%. The major economic activities are agriculture and commerce with cross border trade playing a major role being a border town.

Taveta constituency has 87 pre- schools, 37 public primary schools and 16 private schools and 14 secondary schools. Before inception of the NG- CDF Taveta constituency had only 27 primary schools 3 public secondary schools. Besides construction of new school heavy investments has been done to upgrade infrastructure in pre- existing schools improving access to education and providing conducive learning environment.

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County Assembly Wards in Taveta Constituency:

Mahoo Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Mahoo
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Bomeni Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Bomeni
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Mboghoni Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Mboghoni
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Challa Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Challa
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Mata Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Mata
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of